Women Empowerment
Annapurna (Women Farm Entrepreneurship):
192 farmers from 13 groups (SHGs and farmers’ groups) from Vehele, Kalvande and Moravne village from Chiplun block of Ratnagiri district are engaged in project activities. This project has brought forward scalable and replicable model of farm entrepreneurship. It’s a complexion of traditional knowledge and present S&T. Self-sustainable, no middle agents in the market, organic farming, and cooperative farming are the characteristics of Annapurna project.135 acres land has been brought under cultivation under this project.

Udaan (Women Entrepreneurship):
605 women from 60 Self Help Groups from Chiplun block have been activated for initiating income generation activities like agriculture allied activities, fruit processing; value added products, catering, tailoring, etc. Vaghjai SHG from Kolkewadi has initiated spice business and Dishantar has made a provision of pounding machine for the same. Mahalaxmi SHG from Kolkewadi & SHG from Kondhe has initiated paper plate business and provision of machinery has been made by Dishantar. Active SHGs from Mundhe, Dahivli, Kolkewadi have made average turnover of Rs. 60,000/-